
Things to consider when buying down lighters

A down lighter has a switch that goes from the lightbulb on to off and back on. The down lighters are easy to use because you can take them with you when you’re traveling and they do not need any complicated wiring. They also have an adjustable dimmer, which makes them suitable for varying different lighting needs. Down lighters are used in many commercial applications because they consume less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and emit little heat, making them more suitable for use in many places like airports, shopping centers, large building lobbies, or meeting rooms.

Things to consider when buying down lighters

  1. Cost

The cost of down lighters vary greatly depending on the quality of the product. For example, it’s impossible to get a high-quality down lighter for less than $20, but the price range can go up to $100 or more. As such, you need to take time to evaluate your budget and make sure that you’re willing to spend a lot of money on this specific type of lighting.

  1. Quality of materials

The second important thing that you need to consider before buying a down lighter is its quality. This factor is important, because when you buy a down lighter, you’ll end up spending the majority of your time using it. If the product that you buy is made of poor materials and prone to defects, you’re likely to suffer from issues like frequent bulb outages or even a complete failure of the down lighter.

  1. Durability

Another important thing that you need to consider when buying down lighters is their durability. As such, if a down lighter lasts for only a couple of years, it’s not very useful in the long run. Even if the product does what it’s supposed to do for quite some time, it will eventually start breaking down and become useless after some time.

  1. Wattage

The wattage of the bulb can help you determine which ones are suitable for your specific needs. For example if your room has a high ceiling, then the wattage should be higher than usual because it will cover a larger area. If you are planning to use them in an outdoor area then you can use lower wattage incandescent bulbs as they do not get hot as quickly as standard incandescent bulbs.

  1. Energy usage

As the name suggests down lighters are fluorescent lights and as such they reduce your electricity bill considerably. On average, down lighters can save you up to 80% of your energy bill. For example if you have a 100W down lighter, it would only use around 16W of power.

  1. Color temperature

The color temperature of down lighters ranges from 2,000K – 10,000K and is measured in kelvin. The color of the light is measured in brightness called lumens. If you want to get a warm lighting then you can use a lower temperature, however it is important to consider the fact that a lower temperature will give off less light than a higher color temperature.


Down lighters can help you save a lot of money on your electric bill and in some cases can power the bulbs for you. As such, if you are looking to buy one then be sure to do your homework and make sure that you’re getting a quality down lighter.

business & services

Tips on finding bid writing services

Bid writing services are a tried and true, yet somewhat difficult way to find competitive bids for your business. The process can be difficult to understand when you’re new to the game, but there are links below that can help you find a reliable service. When you first start out, try avoiding the most well-known companies at first and save those for when you’ve already made your way from bidding on your next project. Finding bid writing services that fit your particular needs can be difficult as well, but there are ways to make this process more efficient.

  1. Be Realistic Before You Begin

If you’re looking for a home run, you won’t get it. You might be able to find a bid writing service that provides a great deal on the first project they’ve ever written, but you’re more likely going to run into problems if it’s too good to be true. If you need bids quickly and want to put less effort in finding the best one, then there’s no need for major cuts and splashes. Try to keep things relatively simple, and you’re more likely to find a service that can give you the help you need without being too in-depth.

  1. Check the Services

There are plenty of different bid writing services out there, and they all offer slightly different benefits. There’s no general rule when it comes to finding one that works for you because each company is built differently. The only things that many of them have in common are the services, so you’ll want to double check that all of the companies you’re considering work with any industries you need their services for.

  1. Recruit a Tester

You shouldn’t go into any bid writing service blindly. They’re going to be offering you bids from different contractors, and you’re going to want to check out each of them. Try asking for a few different bids from different providers so you don’t get stuck with the only companies that are obviously cheap. For example, when I did my very first bid writing service through BidPro, they gave me so many bids that it was impossible for me to pick which one was right for my business.

  1. Get Creative

Bid writing services aren’t going to do everything for you, but they can help with all of the information you need. If you need bids from different companies, but none of them are working out for you, consider asking everyone if they’re willing to work together. That way, you can get a bid from two or three different companies that all offer their own unique benefits without paying a fortune in fees.

    Never work with just any company. You want to be sure that you’re getting someone who is experienced and knows what they’re doing. You can ask for a bid writing service’s entire team to be available for you, but that always seems like too much hassle even when you’re in need of a great deal.


    The process of finding bids can be difficult, but there are ways to make it easier. You should always start off looking for the biggest, most well-known companies first, but don’t be afraid to go in-depth with a smaller company if you have a great deal on them. Bid writing services aren’t going to do everything for you or make your projects easier, but they can help with even the most complicated tasks.

    Generators manufacturing

    Why Generators for Sale Honda Are the Best Choice

    If you need appliances perfect for supplying electrical power, you should consider generators for sale Honda types. These types of generators are powerful and easy to carry all around the place. You can use them to prolong your daily activities at home or in business. The Honda generators are one of the best options if you need constant electrical power that will be reliable and uninterrupted.

    How Do Honda Generators Make a Difference?

    Honda generators are different from others because they set standards for portable power. You can improve your house lighting or use the generator for camping. There are also many other uses for these generators, including business use. All of these factors make Honda generators unique.

    These devices are equipped with easy-starting engines that you can start anytime. No matter of occasion, you can be sure that Honda generators will be there to deliver electrical power.

    At the same time, you will notice quiet and smooth operations that can be prolonged for long hours. With all these possibilities, Honda generators have a special place on the market. These devices are reliable and deliver power whenever you need it.

    Why Generators for Sale Honda Are the Best Choice?

    Honda generators are the best choice for multiple reasons. First of all, there are simple to use. You have the easy-starting option, and it is easy to handle the whole device. Secondly, it is entirely portable, and you can use it when you need adequate electric power.

    These generators for sale Honda solutions have many advantages, some related to the warranty periods.

    The devices are made to last and serve you in numerous situations. You get a five-year warranty when you use the Honda generators for domestic use. On the other side, if you use the devices for professional service, the warranty period is one year. This makes Honda generators the best choice that you can make.

    If we take examples of generators for sale Honda solutions, we can notice some interesting points.

    For example, the Honda model engine under the name EU 10i (GXH50) has the following characteristics:

    • It has a sound level of 52 dB (a)
    • The rated output is 900 Watts
    • The maximum output is 1000 Watts
    • The continuous operating hours without refuelling are almost 4 hours

    Another example of some of the generators for sale Honda solution is the Honda model engine under the name EU 22i (GXR120). This generator has the following attributes:

    • The sound level is 52 dB (a)
    • The rated output is 1800 Watts
    • The maximum output is 2200 Watts
    • The operating hours without the need for refuelling are 3 hours and 35 minutes

    It is up to you to choose the generator that will satisfy your needs. As you can see, the second generator is more potent regarding the rated output and maximum output. You should consider the Honda generator with additional output capacity if you need more power. However, if you want more working hours without the need to refuel the generator, you can be satisfied with the basic generators. No matter which option you choose, you can be sure that Honda generators will be your best solution regarding the electric power supply.

    Lie Detectors

    Real lie detector test


    At, we specialize in lie detection solutions for your most important matters. We have some of the best examiners in the industry and they have been trained to detect any type of deception including emotional, psychological, or physical while remaining objective and impartial.

    What is a lie detector test?

    A polygraph examination (lie detector test) is an examination which may be conducted on a person who has been accused but not yet found guilty of activities such as theft and fraud where dishonesty occurs. The examiner’s task is to determine whether or not the person being examined might be lying or trying to withhold information about involvement with criminal activities.

    Polygraph examinations have been in use for many years. However, as a result of research and development conducted during the World War II by the United States Department of Defense and Navy (which became known as the National Security Agency) the polygraph examination has become a sophisticated forensic science technique which is used throughout the world today in criminal investigations and in civil litigation matters where credibility of witnesses and their testimony may be at issue.

    Public opinion about lie detector tests (also known as polygraph) is that it is not an accurate technology to measure truthfulness or deception. This opinion is cited due to two main reasons:

    1. The test does not measure truthfulness or deception but the characteristics of the person being tested. This is due to the fact that the test measures autonomic nervous system that is part of the unconscious body.
    2. The test employs psychological theories and statistical models to determine whether or not a person is telling truth.

    These theories and models require assumptions to be made about the person being examined. While these assumptions are well researched and considered sufficiently accurate by the examiner, they may not be an accurate representation of the examinee.

    The government agencies in many countries have agreed that polygraph testing is a useful tool in investigations involving certain types of crimes. In fact, these agencies do not merely rely on this test as only evidence but they also use other tools in combination with polygraph examination to make their investigations more effective and accurate. The accuracy of this test can be questionable however it can still provide investigative leads. When properly conducted, a polygraph examination can provide information that the investigator may use in connection with other evidence or testimony obtained during an investigation.

    Benefits of lie detector tests

    The main purposes of a polygraph examination are:

    1. To determine whether or not an examinee is telling truth about a particular issue.
    2. To differentiate between truth and deception when it is not possible to detect either directly.
    3. To provide investigative leads to the examiner in the form of physiological responses, which the examiner may use in conjunction or combination with other evidence obtained during an investigation to resolve questions regarding the suitability or credibility of a person who may be suspected to be involved in some criminal activity or other activity that is undesirable by a government agency investigating such activities.


    Based on our experience with more than 30,000 polygraph examinations, we know that the polygraph examination is a useful tool which can help to uncover potential criminal activities when used appropriately.


    How to find the Best Pension Financial Advisor Near Me

    Finances are not always the simplest thing to understand, and most of us don’t have time to get an education on the topic. That’s why many people choose to work with a financial advisor. Unfortunately, the process of finding a good financial advisor can be a daunting task. There are so many different factors involved in such as experience, credentials, malpractice insurance and more that it can be hard to sort through them all. Here are some factors to consider when looking for pension financial advisor near me.

    1) Credentials

    Your financial advisor is what they do. Their experience, knowledge and credentials will all help you decide on the best one for you. Most of these criteria can be found from the Better Business Bureau website. The site includes a list of companies that have had complaints filed against them, as well as accreditations they may have earned.

    2) Insurance

    Insurance is important when dealing with retirement accounts. In the event of fraud, you will be protected by your malpractice insurance. It’s always a good idea to know what kind of liability coverage your financial advisor has in the event something happens. If your advisor does not have liability insurance, you will want to ask for a certificate of professional indemnity.

    3) Experience and Designations

    Even if your advisor does not have any credentials, you may feel more comfortable with someone who has experience. For example, someone could be certified through the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants without having any education or even completing high school. On the other hand, they could also have years of experience working in public accounting before deciding to open an accounting practice. If you find a financial advisor or firm that has been around for 5 or 10 years, you may feel more confident about their experience.

    4) Knowledge

    You need to feel comfortable with your financial advisor. After all, they will be managing your retirement accounts. You want someone who is able to explain things to you in an easy-to-understand manner. Be sure and ask your prospective financial planner questions about what you don’t understand. You should never have to look up the answers on your own. You want to feel comfortable asking all of your financial questions.

    5) Fee Structure

    The fee structure you are offered by a financial advisor will be a major factor in choosing them. You should check out their fees and rates online to see if they are competitive. Some advisors charge list-price for their services, which is reasonable enough, but others may also have hidden fees built into their fees. Make sure you understand exactly what the fees and rates are before you sign on with a financial advisor.

    6) Customer Reviews

    Customer reviews can tell you a lot about a financial advisor. You may also want to create an account on the Better Business Bureau website so that you can leave your own reviews for other people to see. It will help your fellow consumers choose wisely when it comes to their own financial advisors.

    The bottom line is that you should pick a financial advisor near me that you are comfortable with. Make sure they have the right credentials and insurance for your peace of mind. You will be trusting this person with your finances, so it is important to make the best choice for yourself.


    All ice cream flavours


    When you think of ice cream flavours, what comes to mind? Chocolate? Cookies and Cream? Strawberry Swirl?

    Let’s be honest. There are a lot of delicious things on this earth. But there is one flavour that is always the best: Mint Chocolate Chip.

    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

    Nothing’s more refreshing than cool minty chocolate chip ice cream during these hot summer months. You can barely go a day without seeing it.

    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream tastes amazing, but is it really healthy? It’s highly nutritious. It contains iron and antioxidants that can fight off diseases like cancer and heart disease by preventing DNA damage, reducing inflammation and encouraging a strong immune system.

    Obesity is on the rise in America due to its high levels of fat that is located in the middle of our food pyramid. Ice cream is one of the worst culprits for many reasons. Ice cream has more fat than bread does, which can lead to weight gain over time if consumed too often or consistently. American ice cream consumption has increased 50% since 1985.

    If you don’t believe me, try to take a bite out of one. You might be surprised at how hard it is to chew and swallow.

    Moreover, American children are eating more ice cream than ever before. This can lead to excessive fat intake, which can result in obesity and other health issues, including diabetes and heart disease.

    Let’s take a closer look at one brand – the only brand that offers 100% all natural ice cream without any artificial flavors or artificial sweeteners. You will not find any sugar alcohols or sugar substitutes added in their ingredients list either. They also won’t use so-called “natural flavoring.”

    This is a company that wants to make the process of buying healthy foods easier and less time consuming. They pride themselves on offering you products of high quality but at a lesser price compared to other brands.

    They do this by making their products more accessible to the average consumer – even more so than your average grocery store. It takes all of the hard work out of finding and trying new things, and it leads you straight to your desired product every time. They imagine that most people don’t have time on their plate for complicated labels, so they simply know what they will get every time they buy from them.

    This ice cream is made in an FDA registered facility and sourced from the freshest ingredients that are in-season. Unlike some other companies, they do not like to use artificial flavors or substitutes. They believe that while some people may be allergic to certain ingredients, it might be best to not put them in the food at all. This way, everyone gets the best products.

    They try their very best to keep both their product and their environment as clean as possible. Their production line can keep up with 40 different food products daily and has the capacity to meet demand for 2 million pounds of ice cream per month.

    With them, you are guaranteed the best possible quality of ingredients and environment for their products. Your health is also closely monitored so that you get the safest and highest quality product possible.

    The taste test

    The Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream was one of the first products to reach our office. We were a little hesitant at first because they were out at the time we generally review all new food items. We thought that it would be too hard to find something out of the ordinary considering all of the available options, but then again, if there was something out there that we hadn’t tried before, we would want to find it as soon as possible. So off we went.

    business & services

    Why you should hire us for your roof repairs:

    It is inevitable that at some point, your roof will need repairs. Whether it is due to age, wear and tear, or severe weather conditions, there are several reasons why your roof may require repairs. Regardless of the cause, it is important to have roof repairs carried out as soon as possible in order to avoid further damage to your property.

    We are experienced in all roof repairs, from small leaks to full replacement roofs. We pride ourselves on our high standards of workmanship and customer service, and we will always go the extra mile to make sure that you are completely satisfied with the work we have carried out.

    Why you should hire us for your roof repairs:

    1. Experience

    We have been providing quality roof repairs for over 10 years. During that time, we have gained a reputation for being reliable, trustworthy, and affordable. We always use the highest-quality materials and products, and our skilled professionals are experts in their field.

    1. Quality materials and workmanship

    We only use the best materials and products available on the market, and our workmanship is of the highest standard. Our team is made up of experienced professionals who have been trained to the latest industry standards.

    1. Affordable prices

    We understand that not everyone has a large budget, so we offer competitive prices on all of our services. We never compromise on quality, however, so you can be sure that you are getting the best possible value for your money.

    1. Excellent customer service

    We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We will always go the extra mile to make sure that you are happy with the work we have carried out. We understand that having work carried out on your property can be disruptive, which is why we aim to cause as little disruption as possible.

    1. Free quotes

    We offer free quotes on all of our services, so you can get an idea of the cost before you commit to anything. We understand that not everyone is familiar with roof repairs, so we take the time to explain everything in detail and answer any questions you may have.

    1. Flexible payment options

    We offer a range of payment options to suit your needs and budget. We accept all major credit cards, cash, and cheques. We also offer interest-free payment plans for those who need to spread the cost of their repairs over a longer period of time.

    1. Fully guaranteed

    All of our work is fully guaranteed, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your repairs will be carried out to the highest standard.

    1. No call-out charges

    We don’t believe in charging our customers for something they could do themselves, which is why we don’t have any call-out charges. We will come to your property and carry out a free roof inspection, and we will only charge you for the work we do.

    If you think your roof may need repairs, or if you would like a free quotation for any roofing work, please do not hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.

    science technology

    Features of the breath rate monitor

    Breath rate monitor is a tool for measuring breathing rate. It has been used as a diagnostic tool for respiratory system disorders. Breath rate monitor also aids in preventing and treating sleep apnea, hyperventilation, respiratory distress syndrome and other respiratory disorders.

    The following are some of the features of the breath rate monitor:

    1. It is very easy to use.

    Each patient will require a different testing procedure, the breath rate monitor gives the clinician a great deal of flexibility in choosing what works best for each patient. This flexibility allows for personalization of breath test procedures and nursing interventions. It may be used at a central respiratory care station to monitor long-term ventilation.

    1. It is portable.

    The breath rate monitor uses a self contained capsule which is portable and easy to carry around or attach to central monitoring systems, making it ideal for use in any setting – hospitals, nursing homes or respiratory therapy offices. Breath rate monitors can be attached to a breathing system in the home. It has the potential to provide early warning of impending respiratory distress and assist with the patient’s management at home. This may also be an effective method for assessing whether nonpharmacological methods of preventing apnea have been effective after discharge from the hospital.

    1. It is low cost.

    The breath testing devices are relatively low costs and require minimal room (no wires, no connectors) and can be used in a number of settings, including the home. Professional respiratory therapy facilities may have the device delivered to them by their suppliers at an additional charge.

    1. It can be disposable.

    Breath rate monitors are disposable to minimize patient anxiety and inconvenience during a test or due to a malfunctioning device. Disposable devices are also more eco-friendly as they do not need to be cleaned after each use.

    1. It is non-invasive.

    Breath rate monitoring is non-invasive in that the patient does not need to participate in an examination, breathe into a mouthpiece, or provide information about posture, activities of daily living or disability/status. Some conventional clinical tests require the patient to do these things and have resulted in false positive and negative test results in patients with sleep apnea or other respiratory disorders. The breath rate monitor can be used on any person without regard to their respiratory status.

    1. It is practical for all ages.

    Breath rate monitoring is useful in the study of many pathological conditions in infants and children. It has the potential to supplement physiologic testing and diagnostic tools used to assess infant and child health and disease.

    1. Aerobic response is monitored.

    The results of breath rate tests are statistically comparable with those obtained using laboratory spirometry or exercise testing, but with a much lower cost, fewer risks, less time needed for data collection (approximately 5 minutes) and a greater tolerance by patients for another procedure. Variations in respiratory function can be monitored over time and compared with heart rate changes for information about possible cardiovascular or autonomic dysfunction or about ongoing treatment effects.

    1. The allowance for the test to be performed in a non-laboratory setting.

    The result of a breath rate monitoring test can be used to alert clinicians of changes that may occur during a hospital stay, and can be used to determine whether changes have occurred during recovery as well as to provide data regarding the potential for exercise tolerance before discharge from the hospital. Monitoring patients in medical and surgical settings has been found beneficial in providing early warning of impending respiratory distress, permitting clinicians to intervene with appropriate intervention(s), and reducing length of stay in both the intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital when compared with historical controls.

    business & services

    Reasons Why You May Need Consulting Companies Services

    The word “Consulting” can be a very heavy word to say and often has a negative connotation. It certainly does not sound enjoyable or like something that would make you feel good by doing it. Consultants are typically viewed as people who have no desire to work and simply want your money for their lies, so people are discouraged from utilizing their services. Here are some of the reasons why you may need consulting companies services so that you can avoid being under the negative stigma associated with the word.

    They Will Help You Understand Your Problems

    By understanding your problems, it will not only help you understand why you urgently need their services, but it will also help you determine whether or not their solutions will be a really long term solution to get what you want. If you do not have the necessary information to determine whether there is truly a problem that needs to be solved, it will delay your decision as to whether or not to use them as well. If you can only understand your problems, it will also help you determine whether or not they are the right choice for you.

    Help You Solve Your Problems

    By knowing their solutions, it will be much easier for you to determine if they are a good fit for you. If they are the right solution, then it will be much easier to choose them because solutions that have been previously tried and failed may cause you to question them. If they are the wrong solution, then you can avoid wasting money on costly mistakes that you do not want to make.

    Invest in your Business

    In order for you to grow your business, someone needs to invest in it either emotionally or monetarily. If you do not invest in your business, then you will never grow it. Consulting companies have the ability to help you make better long term investments into your business so that it continues to grow and expand. If you do not invest in your business, then it will not grow the way that you want it to.

    Offers Advice

    Sometimes being told what to do is not always the best option. Consulting companies offer advice and suggestions on the best way to accomplish your goals rather than telling you how you should accomplish them. This allows you to choose whether or not you want to take their advice so that it does not feel like they are imposing their way of doing things onto you. You can choose whether or not to follow their advice, so that it feels less like you’re being told what to do.

    They Offer Different Alternatives

    Different alternatives can help you decide what the best solution is for you. Consulting companies offer not only what they believe to be the best solution, but they may also offer a variety of other solutions where you can compare your options. This will help you make a better informed decision on what to do and give you alternative choices for your business.

    Consulting companies have their place within the business world and can help businesses in ways that can enhance growth. They may not always be the best choice for your business, but it is important to understand why you may need them and what their abilities are so that you can make more informed and intelligent decisions about using consulting companies within your business.


    How to Choose the Best Commercial Bar Stools

    Comfort is crucial when sitting down to eat or have cocktails, which is why purchasing the best commercial bar stools is important. You want to make sure you’re buying the ones that are perfect for your home. Without proper considerations, you are setting yourself up for becoming disappointed. As with most purchases, the main thing you need to do is go into a store and try out the different types of stools so you can get a feel for what’s out there and what’s on your mind. You should also set aside some money so that you can make an educated decision. You don’t necessarily want to spend all of your money on these things, but at least make sure that you’re getting good stuff for it. Here are some factors to consider when you shop for the best commercial bar stools.


    When you’re talking about commercial bar stools, you have to think about comfort. You want to make sure that when you sit down, your back won’t end up hurting from the process. There are a lot of different options out there, but some will leave your back feeling out of whack because they are too flexible or don’t have enough padding. You also want to make sure that the height is just right. It should be a bit lower than normal chairs so you can reach the bar, but not too low where you feel like you’re on your knees. Leather is one option for this, but it can be quite expensive. A cheaper alternative would be for you to go with plastic instead, which is still comfortable enough for most people.


    You need to think about the size of the bar stools you buy. This can be a bit tricky because not all of the furniture for commercial use is made for the same purpose. The room might be bigger or smaller than what you have in mind, so you have to make sure that you’re getting something that will work well within its boundaries.


    Price is another factor to take into consideration when looking at stools like these. If you’re going to pay a lot of money for them, you might as well be getting the best, so that you don’t end up regretting your purchase. You do have to make sure that you like the look of the bar stools and that they are comfortable, though.


    You want to think about the aesthetics of these bar stools. You might want them to look nice so that they match better with the furniture, but it’s not necessary. No one is going to be sitting on the stools all day long so it’s not like it needs to look nice all of the time. If you see something that you like, then go for it and don’t let yourself be swayed by what others are saying.

    When buying commercial bar stools, think about comfort and price, but don’t forget to also make sure that you like the aesthetics of them. You want to make sure that they are fitting to your needs and can be used within their designated area. You should also think about the height because it’s not always necessary for it to be so low, but it’s good enough if it is. Take these things into consideration and choose the best commercial bar stools for your home or business.