Lie Detectors

Real lie detector test


At, we specialize in lie detection solutions for your most important matters. We have some of the best examiners in the industry and they have been trained to detect any type of deception including emotional, psychological, or physical while remaining objective and impartial.

What is a lie detector test?

A polygraph examination (lie detector test) is an examination which may be conducted on a person who has been accused but not yet found guilty of activities such as theft and fraud where dishonesty occurs. The examiner’s task is to determine whether or not the person being examined might be lying or trying to withhold information about involvement with criminal activities.

Polygraph examinations have been in use for many years. However, as a result of research and development conducted during the World War II by the United States Department of Defense and Navy (which became known as the National Security Agency) the polygraph examination has become a sophisticated forensic science technique which is used throughout the world today in criminal investigations and in civil litigation matters where credibility of witnesses and their testimony may be at issue.

Public opinion about lie detector tests (also known as polygraph) is that it is not an accurate technology to measure truthfulness or deception. This opinion is cited due to two main reasons:

  1. The test does not measure truthfulness or deception but the characteristics of the person being tested. This is due to the fact that the test measures autonomic nervous system that is part of the unconscious body.
  2. The test employs psychological theories and statistical models to determine whether or not a person is telling truth.

These theories and models require assumptions to be made about the person being examined. While these assumptions are well researched and considered sufficiently accurate by the examiner, they may not be an accurate representation of the examinee.

The government agencies in many countries have agreed that polygraph testing is a useful tool in investigations involving certain types of crimes. In fact, these agencies do not merely rely on this test as only evidence but they also use other tools in combination with polygraph examination to make their investigations more effective and accurate. The accuracy of this test can be questionable however it can still provide investigative leads. When properly conducted, a polygraph examination can provide information that the investigator may use in connection with other evidence or testimony obtained during an investigation.

Benefits of lie detector tests

The main purposes of a polygraph examination are:

  1. To determine whether or not an examinee is telling truth about a particular issue.
  2. To differentiate between truth and deception when it is not possible to detect either directly.
  3. To provide investigative leads to the examiner in the form of physiological responses, which the examiner may use in conjunction or combination with other evidence obtained during an investigation to resolve questions regarding the suitability or credibility of a person who may be suspected to be involved in some criminal activity or other activity that is undesirable by a government agency investigating such activities.


Based on our experience with more than 30,000 polygraph examinations, we know that the polygraph examination is a useful tool which can help to uncover potential criminal activities when used appropriately.